Science Club


I led the PSHSSMC Science Club as its adviser. Within the club, I trained 31 students on perfumery science and how to craft fragrances, as well as coached club members on national science quizzes. Outside the club, I led (or supported) the proposal and implementation of several science engagement and advocacy activities. These activities include:

  1. Scientist Ako! Exhibit
  2. Science Month Karaoke Challenge
  3. Science Camp
  4. Project SCY (Science Clubs for Youth)

The club members also implemented environmental recommendations of students regarding a local creek. The solutions brought about by the students were presented to the school management, which led to collaborations with three neighboring local government units.

The Science Camp was a multiple-day event (budget: ~$6000/P300000) that developed soft skills in science (communication, collaboration and innovation) to up to 600 students.

Le Dolino
Le Dolino
Co-Chair of the AI, Digital Learning & Digital Transformation Working Group, UNESCO SDG4 Youth & Student Network

My research interests include the history, philosophy, and social studies of science education, and actual science education practice.